Role of Technology

By itself, technology in learning is of little benefit. However, when tools and learning strategies are designed and blended in ways which expand our potential to learn, we give meaning to the technology.

Technology and Today’s Students

The Internet, games, and social networking are part of people’s everyday lives, and this has changed student expectations. People expect increased levels of group communication, feedback, and links to additional resources to help them learn.

Instructional Technology & Formation

Benefits of Online Formation Resources

Due to the demands of ministry work, we may not feel that we have the luxury of attending formal schooling or workshops. Online formational materials can help fill this gap, being available to a wide audience anyplace, anytime. Since Vincentians are constantly called upon to “give” in the course of their day, it is important that they be able to receive, even if only a five-minute video or an inspirational quote, to sustain their sense of ministry.

Learning Effectiveness

Many studies show that learning effectiveness increases when the following qualities are present:

  • Active engagement
  • Participation in groups
  • Frequent interaction and feedback
  • Connection to real-world experts

These are the very qualities that web-based tools are built to support. Although the online classroom is still seen by many as lacking the human connectivity of face-to-face courses, today there are many online communication tools which connect people and allow them to share information, ideas, and opinions almost instantaneously. We can create more interpersonal online classrooms that enhance connectivity and collaboration.

Online Learning as a Complement to Traditional Methods

Delivering a portion of materials online gives the learners private time for study and reflection about the content and issues, in preparation for the next assignment or the next live session. And, sometimes a more reserved student who would not normally speak up in a classroom setting, will feel comfortable expressing their perspectives in writing through blogging or wikis.

Famvin Templates & Services

We provide re-usable templates for creating online formation resources. You supply the content particular to your organization or branch of the Vincentian Family. For examples, see our history timelines, or Vincentian games. We are here to support you in adopting new innovations in formation. Contact us with any requests.

Keeping Our Heritage Alive

Our Vincentian heritage and culture differentiate us from other groups or social service agencies working with the poor. Formation in Vincentian Spirituality addresses the unique mission of the Vincentian, and the special demands placed on us in our vocation.

.famvin Family of Websites

Famvin News

Famvin News is:

  • a website promoting mutual awareness of how the charism is being lived today across the Vincentian Family
  • a way of attracting new followers of Vincent and Louise
  • a source for best practices of improving the life of the marginalized
  • a way for us to become aware of potential collaborators

Target group: those who share a concern for the integral development of the poor.


VinFormation (this website) is:

  • an environment for online teaching and learning for Vincentians
  • a way for us to collaborate for formation
  • a new way of presenting the research and writings of our charism specialists
  • a source for Vincentian media, games, simulations
  • a source for templates, adaptable for various audiences (examples: history timelines, games)
  • a convenient way to incorporate new technology into your formation programs

Target group: all Vincentians seeking multimedia resources, particularly those who wish to journey with the poor in the Vincentian tradition. (We Are Vincentians) offers many Vincentian formation writings (illustrated articles, documents, biographies, essays, study guides, etc.).

Target group: those seeking Vincentian formation in the form of written material.

Related Links

Click on the tags to explore related resources:


Launching Out Into The Deep: Famvin on the Web and Social Media
Launching Out Into The Deep: Famvin on the Web and Social Media
The Use of Technology for Formation
The Use of Technology for Formation
Ideas for Designing Formation Resources
Ideas for Designing Formation Resources
Ideas for Presenters/Educators
Ideas for Presenters/Educators
Virtual Classroom Ideas
Virtual Classroom Ideas
Being Witnesses in a Rapidly Developing Digital World
Being Witnesses in a Rapidly Developing Digital World
Interactive Learning
Interactive Learning
Vincentians Creative Unto Infinity
Vincentians Creative Unto Infinity
Church & Technology
Church & Technology
Social Media
Social Media

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